Books, Used and Rare: ...from History to Mystery...Quality used books for readers and lifelong learners.Modern First Editions for collectors.
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A professional bookseller and member of IOBA, 4Shadows Books is an individually owned (by me, Robert Stenzel) and operated (also by me) full service online bookseller for collectors and life-long learners. My inventory and interests are varied, but I primarily specialize in collectible quality out-of-print first editions in genre fiction, and non-fiction books in the areas of history, biographies and autobiographies/memoirs of interesting and noteworthy folk, and Arts & Entertainment.Each and every customer is valued, and provided with the highest standard of customer service. I will do everything in my control to insure a smooth transaction. Please do not hesitate to email if there are any questions or comments about offerings or policies. Books are carefully inspected, accurately graded and neatly shelved in a climate controlled environment. I provide prompt shipment in suitable packaging. I respond to emails promptly and professionally. If you choose to do business with 4Shadows Books, there will never be any hassles or unpleasant surprises.I gladly accept want lists, and are always interested in buying good quality collections, particularly in the areas of interest mentioned. I also sell on consignment and will do so on flexible terms for individuals or organizations in the area. We are located in Cherry Hill, NJ, or "New Joisey" as some of our neighbors say. Please email with any questions, just use the "Contact Us" link at the top of the page.Feedback from buyers who have happily stumbled across one of our listings on Amazon may be viewed at 4Shadows Books At-A-Glance. I also have storefronts at ABEBooks and Alibris.
Below are some photos, for those who might be curious as to what this bookseller looks like.
At work:
At play, Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire with My Fair Lady (she's the one with the anachronistic shades) :
At play, tubing on the Rio Frio at Garner State Park, Texas:
At play, water skiing near Ocean City, NJ:
A pitiful attempt at an "art" shot involving books, a sword, and some gargoyle bookends:(Now we all know why I'm a bookseller, not a profrssional photographer)